Article Widget List

The following lists all 169 platform-defined widgets for v12.x, with the widget names linking to configuration details for that widget. For more information on working with widgets, see What is a widget? How do I customize the look and feel of my community? 

Name Description
 Abuse Appeal  Displays a form for a user to appeal an abuse report
 Accept Invitation  Displays a message to the user to accept an invitation to join the community or a group.
 Achievement  Displays an achievement.
 Achievement - List  Displays a list of achievements.
 Achievement - User List  Displays a list of users who have received an achievement
 Activity Message List  Displays a list of activity messages from the site.
 Activity Story  Displays a single activity story.
 Activity Story Stream  Displays a stream of activity stories from the site with previews.
 Advertisement  Enables rendering custom advertisement code in accordance with site advertisement configuration
 Advertisement (Regional)  Enables rendering custom, shared advertisement code by region in accordance with site advertisement configuration
 API Key List  Shows a list of existing api keys.
 Articles - Article  Renders an article.
 Articles - Article Details  Displays article details.
 Articles - Article List  Displays a list of articles.
 Articles - Breadcrumbs  Provides breadcrumbs for navigation through the category/article hierarchy.
 Articles - Browse Collections  Displays a browse control to view all article collections on the site.
 Articles - Category  Displays details about the current contextual category.
 Articles - Category List  Displays article collection categories.
 Articles - Create/Edit Article  Creates or edits an article.
 Articles - Helpfulness  Displays the Helpfulness Feedback interface.
 Articles - Links  Displays a list of common links.
 Articles - Title  Displays the title for article pages.
 Blog - About  Displays the about blog page.
 Blog - Banner  Displays a blog banner.
 Blog - Browse Blogs  Displays a browse control to view all blogs on the site.
 Blog - Create Blog  Displays a form used to create a new blog.
 Blog - Create/Edit Post  Creates or edits a blog post.
 Blog - Details  Displays blog details
 Blog - Email Author  Displays the form used to email blog owners.
 Blog - Links  Displays links used to view recent blog activity or browse all blogs.
 Blog - Monthly Archive List  Displays a list of months of archived blog posts.
 Blog - Post Byline  Displays a blog post's byline.
 Blog - Post Content  Displays a blog post's content
 Blog - Post Heading  Displays a blog post's title
 Blog - Post Image  Displays a blog post's image.
 Blog - Post List  Displays a list of blog posts.
 Blog - Title  Displays the title for blog pages.
 Bookmarks List  Displays list of bookmarked content for a user.
 Change Password  Displays the change password form for a user.
 Comment List  Displays content comments
 Content - Table of Contents  Displays a dynamically linked table of contents against content
 Content - Tag List  Displays content tags
 Conversations  Lists, view, and start conversations.
 Core - Message  Used for displaying common site messages.
 Core - Title  Displays the page title, used for common site pages.
 Create API Key  Allows you to create api keys.
 Custom Title  Define a custom page title.
 Event Calendar - Add/Edit Calendar  Displays a form for creating a new calendar or editing an existing calendar
 Event Calendar - Add/Edit Event  Displays form for adding a new event or editing an existing event
 Event Calendar - Add/Edit Registration  Allows a user to register for an event and displays the status of that registration
 Event Calendar - Calendar  Renders an event calendar's events in a calendar format
 Event Calendar - Calendar Links  Displays a list of options related to a calendar
 Event Calendar - Calendar List  Displays a list of Calendars
 Event Calendar - Calendar Title  Sets and Displays Title for calendar pages
 Event Calendar - Event  Displays details of a single calendar event
 Event Calendar - Event Links  Displays links for a calendar event
 Event Calendar - Event List  Displays list of calendar events
 Event Calendar - Event Registration Invitation Form  Allows Registration Manager to invite/register users for an event.
 Event Calendar - Event Registration List  Displays registrations for an event.
 Event Calendar - Map  Displays map of location for a calendar event.
 Featured Content Carousel  Displays a slider of featured content or custom widget-defined items for the current group and child groups
 Forgot Password  Displays the forgot password form for a user.
 Forum - Capture Thread  Displays the capture thread to wiki form.
 Forum - Thread  Displays the contents of a forum thread.
 Forum - Thread List  Displays a list of forum threads.
 Forum - Title  Displays the title of the current forum page.
 Forums - Ask a Question  Creates or finds an existing question thread
 Forums - Browse Forums  Displays a browse control to view all forums on the site.
 Forums - Create/Edit Post  Creates or edits a forum post.
 Forums - Details  Displays details about a forum
 Forums - Links  Displays a list of common forum links.
 Forums - Thread Details  Displays details about a forum thread
 Friendship List  Displays a list of pending and approved friendships.
 Generic Content  Enter any message, images, video, etc...
 Google Gadget  Embed a Google Gadget
 Group - Banner  Displays a banner of common group information and links.
 Group - Contact  Displays a form for a user to contact a group.
 Group - Contact Request List  Displays a list of contact requests.
 Group - Create  Displays a form for creating a new group.
 Group - Description  Displays the current group's description
 Group - Links  Common action links related to any group such as membership and administration.
 Group - List  Displays a list of groups.
 Group - Members List  Displays a list of group members
 Group - Mention List  Shows content that mentioned a group.
 Group - Title  Displays the title for group pages.
 Hover - Previews  Renders previews on hover
 Ideas - Browse Ideations  Displays a browse control to view all ideations on the site.
 Ideas - Create Idea  Form to create or update an Idea
 Ideas - Create Ideation  Displays a form for creating a new Ideation or editing an existing Ideation
 Ideas - Create/Edit Idea Status  Adds or edits a status on an ideation idea.
 Ideas - Idea  Displays an idea
 Ideas - Idea Links  Displays links for an idea
 Ideas - Idea List  Lists ideas
 Ideas - Idea Status History  Shows the history of status changes on the current idea.
 Ideas - Title  Sets and displays title for idea pages
 Invite User  Displays a form for a user to invite a person to join the community.
 Keyboard Shortcuts  Displays available keyboard shortcuts
 Knowledge Collection Peek  Displays content for peeked knowledge collections.
 Knowledge Management - Browse Knowledge Collections  Displays a list of knowledge collections.
 Knowledge Management - Document  Shows a knowledge document
 Knowledge Management - Document List  Lists knowledge documents.
 Knowledge Management - Title  Displays a title for knowledge management pages.
 Knowledge Management - Topics  Shows the topic tree to enable filtering knowledge documents.
 Leaderboard  Displays a leaderboard.
 Leaderboard - Title  Displays the title for leaderboard pages.
 Leaderboards  Displays the list of leaderboards available for a group.
 Liked Content  Shows content liked by a user.
 Media Gallery - Browse Media Galleries  Displays a browse control to view all media galleries on the site.
 Media Gallery - Download File  Form for downloading a file. Renders the download agreement.
 Media Gallery - Drag and Drop  Enables drag and drop uploading into the current media gallery.
 Media Gallery - File  Displays a file from the media gallery.
 Media Gallery - File List  Displays a filterable list of media gallery files.
 Media Gallery - Links  Displays links related to an individual media gallery.
 Media Gallery - Slideshow  Displays the slideshow of media gallery files.
 Media Gallery - Title  Displays the title for media gallery pages.
 Media Gallery - Upload/Edit File Form  Form for uploading or editing a media gallery file.
 Message - Not Found  Displays an error message that requested resource was not found, and provides a site search form.
 More Content  Suggests related or recommended content the accessing user may be interested in.
 Navigation  Renders navigation links based on groups, custom navigation list, or site banner links
 Navigation List  A list of custom navigation links
 Notification List  Displays a filterable list of the logged in member's recent notifications
 OAuth App Authorization  Allows you to authorize an OAuth client application.
 People Search  Searches and filters people in the community
 People Search Redirect  For themes that do not support people search, this redirects to the main search form
 Quick Post  Displays a form for creating a status message for the site or current group.
 Redirect to SSL  Redirects the current page to SSL if it is over an insecure connection
 Report Abuse  Allows content to be reported as abusive from a link in an email.
 RSS Feed  Displays the latest items from an RSS feed.
 Search Result List  Displays a list of results for a particular search.
 Search Terms  This widget allows you to track the search results for a specific term.
 SEO Meta Data for Content Pages  Provides SEO Meta Data For Custom Content Pages
 Set Up Your Community/Group  Configures groups and applications in a new site
 Settings  Displays the form for a user to edit their settings.
 Site - Banner  Provides site-level navigation for users.
 Site - IFrame Embedding  Enhances the page to better support embedding within an external iframe
 Skills  Allows a user to select skills and others users to endorse them.
 System - Notifications  Displays system notifications as banners or alerts, overriding default system notification alert rendering
 Tag Cloud  Displays a tag cloud.
 Tagged Content List  Displays a list of tagged content.
 Theme UI Resources  Provides language pack support for theme specific UI components
 Tour Tips  This widget renders tour tips defined by other widgets.
 Unfiltered HTML  Enables raw HTML to be rendered for advertisement code, embedded content, etc.
 User - Badges  Displays a user's role and rank badges
 User - Banner  Displays a banner of common user information and links.
 User - Email Verification  Displays messages and action steps for email verification workflow.
 User - Links  Displays links related to a user.
 User - Logged Out  Displays message that user has been logged out.
 User - Login and Create  Displays a form to allow a user to login or join the site.
 User - Notifications  Displays user notifications as alerts or banners
 User - Points Activity  Displays a history of points earned for a single user.
 User - Points Total  Displays a points total for a single user.
 User - Reputation  Displays a message to user about their reputation in community.
 User - Shared RSS Feed  Displays a list of items in various RSS feeds.
 User Banned  Displays a message informing user they have been banned from posting and the reason for banning.
 User Consent  Displays updated consent agreements to be accepted by users.
 User Mention List  Shows content that mentioned a user.
 User Profile  Displays a users profile information.
 User Profile Fields  Displays a group of user profile fields.
 Who's Online  Displays a list of online members.
 Wikis - Browse Wikis  Displays a browse control to view all wikis on the site.
 Wikis - Compare  Compares wiki revisions.
 Wikis - Edit Page  Edits a wiki page.
 Wikis - History  Displays history for wikis.
 Wikis - Links  Displays a list of common links.
 Wikis - Page  Displays a wiki page.
 Wikis - Page List  Displays wiki pages related to an individual wiki.
 Wikis - Revision  Displays a wiki revision.
 Wikis - Table of Contents  Displays the pages in their hierarchy for a specific wiki.
 Wikis - Title  Displays the title for wiki pages.