Displays list of bookmarked content for a user.
You need to have content or places marked as bookmarks for this widget to appear.
Where it works
This widget works on group pages, post pages, and the user profile page. Note, this widget might not display for you as an accessing user if configured to show bookmarked items for the contextual user.
Place and configure the widget
- Click Pencil Icon > Manage [Site/Group] Theme > Edit this Page
- Select and place the Bookmarks List widget on the page
- Click on
in the widget menu bar. The configuration dialog appears.
- You can change the title of this widget by replacing the text in the Widget Title box.
- Page Size - Number of bookmarks to show per page.
- Show Bookmarks For - Select one of the following:
- Contextual User - Displays bookmarks for the user account being viewed.
- Accessing User - Displays bookmarks for the logged-in user.
- Click Save to exit the configuration dialog.
- Click Publish when complete.