Article Media Gallery - Browse Media Galleries : Configuration



Displays a browse control to view all media galleries on the site.


If you don't select the "Show data from groups and all subgroups" check box, the list will only display galleries at the site root.

This widget requires search to be installed in order to work.

Where it works

This widget works on just about any page on the site.


Place and configure the widget

  1. Click Pencil Icon >  Manage [Site/Group] Theme > Edit this Page
  2. Select and place the Media Gallery - Browse Media Galleries widget on the page
  3. Click on   in the widget menu bar. The configuration dialog appears.
  4. You can change the title of this widget by replacing the text in the Widget Title box.
  5. Show File Gallery Name  - If checked, the gallery title displays in the list.
  6. Show File Gallery Group Name - If checked, the parent group name is displayed.
  7. Show Post Count  - If checked, the number of files posted to each gallery is listed.
  8. Show Latest File Date - If checked, the date of the most recent file for each gallery is noted.
  9. Filter to Group - Enter the group name you want browsed. Defaults to Current Group.
  10. Show data from Group and all Subgroups - If checked, displays galleries from the current group and its subgroups.
  11. Number of results to display - Select the number of file you want displayed, the default is 20.
  12. Sort Order- Define the sorting filter.
    • By name - Sorts the galleries in alphabetical order.
    • By file count - Sorts the galleries by the greatest number of posted files, from most to least.
    • By last updated date - Sorts the galleries by most recent posted files, from the gallery with the most recent to the oldest.
    • Custom Order -  Window opens to define desired order
  13. Click Save to exit the configuration dialog.
  14. Click Publish when complete.