Article Achievement - List : Configuration



Displays a list of achievements.

Where it works

This widget is intended for use on the Achievements page and other pages (such as a site or group home page), depending upon the "Show" setting.


Place and configure the widget

  1. Click Pencil Icon >  Manage [Site/Group] Theme > Edit this Page
  2. Select and place the Achievement - List widget on the page
  3. Click on   in the widget menu bar. The configuration dialog appears.
  4. You can change the title of this widget by replacing the text in the Widget Title box.
  5. From the Show drop-down list, select from the following:
    • All available achievements - Displays all of the achievements possible to obtain. This would be used on the Achievements page.
    • Current contextual user's achievements - Displays the achievements for the user account being viewed.
    • Accessing user's achievements - Displays the achievements of the logged-in user.
  6. In the View Type drop-down, select the desired display mode:
    • List - Displays the achievements in list mode.
    • ThumbnailsDisplays the achievement icons as thumbnail images.
  7. In the Sort By drop-down-list select the sort method:
    • Alphabetical - Displays the achievements in alphanumeric order.
    • Created date - Displays the achievements by the date they were created.
  8. In the Sort Order drop-down list, select the order to display the achievements:
    • Ascending - Least prominent first.
    • Descending - Most prominent first.
  9. In the Number of items to display field, select the number of achievements you want displayed in the list. (Default - 10)
  10. For the Enable paging checkbox, check it if you want more results to be presented on additional pages.
  11. Click Save to exit the configuration dialog.
  12. Click Publish when complete.