Tag list Get options
is defined in the Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1
namespace of Telligent.Evolution.Platform.dll
class TagListOptions { string ApplicationIds { get; set; } string ApplicationTypeIds { get; set; } string ContainerIds { get; set; } string ContentTypeIds { get; set; } bool? IncludeSubContainers { get; set; } bool? LogicallyOrTags { get; set; } int? MinimumContentCount { get; set; } int? PageIndex { get; set; } int? PageSize { get; set; } string SortBy { get; set; } string SortOrder { get; set; } string TagNameFilter { get; set; } string Tags { get; set; } Guid? TypeId { get; set; } }
Name | Type | Description | Default | Options |
ApplicationIds | string | Comma-separated list of content application identifiers to filter by | ||
ApplicationTypeIds | string | Comma-separated list of content application type identifiers to filter by | ||
ContainerIds | string | Comma-separated list of content container identifiers to filter by | ||
ContentTypeIds | string | Comma-separated list of content type identifiers to filter by | ||
IncludeSubContainers | bool? | Include subcontainers of the containers listed in ContainerIds. | ||
LogicallyOrTags | bool? | Enables filtering by logically OR-ing the filter tags | False | |
MinimumContentCount | int? | Sets the minimum number of matching content required to return a tag | 1 | |
PageIndex | int? | Specify the page number of paged results to return. Zero-based index. | ||
PageSize | int? | Specify the number of results to return per page. | ||
SortBy | string | How the results will be sorted(Name, ContentCount, LatestTaggedDate) | Name | |
SortOrder | string | The sort order of the items | Ascending | |
TagNameFilter | string | Search tags by name | ||
Tags | string | Comma separated list of tags to filter | ||
TypeId | Guid? | A tag type identifier to filter by |