A forum is a format for discussions (such as opinions) and Q&A (such as how-to) questions.
How is a forum different from other applications?
All of a forum's content is crowdsourced. This is different…
A gallery is a group location for housing files.
The files uploaded or stored in the gallery are available to other applications in the group (such as a blog). To use a gallery photo in another application…
Ideation is an idea presentation and evaluation application
Ideation is Verint Community's application for presenting ideas, evaluating them (with voting arrows), and making action/no action decisions…
A knowledge collection is a collection of knowledge documents, or articles, that are authored in Verint Knowledge Management (KM Professional or KM Enterprise) and pulled into Verint Community for public…
A wiki is like a research website in the context of one group. The wiki can contain nearly countless articles.
How is a wiki different from other applications?
A blog's authors are appointed in the…
Verint values every user that interacts with one of our communities built with the Verint Community platform. We strive to ensure our platform delivers an outstanding experience surrounding…
This article will help you understand and configure features to support applicable GDPR requirements within your community.
Right to Erasure ('Right to be Forgotten')
As a community manager, how do…
This is a link to your notifications, a number will be displayed if there are any unread.
This is a link to your messages, a number will be displayed it there are any unread.
This is a link to…
In addition to the Reporting available within your community, Web Analytics is important to grow your community. Web Analytics will provide you with additional visitor data to identify what they are doing…
Groups define areas of interest for your community and allow you to control content type and access for community members. You can define a group hierarchy with virtually any number of groups and levels…