A gallery is a group location for housing files.
The files uploaded or stored in the gallery are available to other applications in the group (such as a blog). To use a gallery photo in another application…
There are a couple ways to upload files to a media gallery: Drag-and-drop or view the new button:
Drag and Drop
First, navigate to the media gallery into which you want to add a file. Select a file…
There are a few configuration options that can be used to limit the types, number, and total storage of files in a media gallery: Also be sure to check your Global File settings .
Storage Quotas
Media Galleries have a specific gallery-wide setting that must be enabled for users to receive notifications when new files have been posted. From the Gallery page go to Pencil Icon > Manage Gallery >…
Community Applications can easily be moved from one group to another.
Click on the Pencil Icon > Manage (Application Name) > (Application Name) Options
Scroll down to where the Current Group containing…
Navigate to the file/URL you want to edit, select More > Edit . You can then change any of the definition of the file (or the file/URL itself) and click Post when done to commit the changes.
Download counts are available by navigating to the media gallery, Manage > Manage Gallery > Files and reviewing the files list:
Basic download counts are listed with each file. By selecting a single…
The functionality exposed by media galleries to members is controlled via permissions and configuration options. The default permissions for media galleries within a group can be managed by navigating…
Verint Community includes support for playing many video files and links. This chart identifies which video types are supported by which file viewers. Note that the associated file viewer will need to…