Article How can I moderate tags within an application?

Tags can be added to most type of content within Verint Community. Because tags are member-defined, there may be times when it is advantageous to review tags and edit them to ensure different-but-similar tags use the exact same tag or that unnecessary tags are removed.

To moderate tags within an application, navigate to the application, Manage > Manage Application (for example, Manage Forum) > Tags:

Here, you can see tags that have been used within the application and perform the following actions on tags:

  • Review content items: Click the content item count to see a list of content associated to this tag. You can then remove individual pieces of content from the tag.
  • Rename: Rename the tag. If the resulting tag is the same as an existing tag, the tags are merged. This can be used to consolidate similar-but-different tags for a cleaner tag list/cloud.
  • Delete: Deletes the tag.