Members will often subscribe to a forum or be subscribed to a thread because of a reply they added. As the thread continues, the member may lose interest and not want to receive notifications of updates…
To start a new forum thread (a question or a discussion), go to the forum you want to start the thread within and click the New button in the group banner. This will present the thread creation form.
This section contains the following articles:
How do I change permissions for site-wide roles?
How do I change permissions for members of a group?
Default site, group, and application permissions…
To change the types of threads allowed to be created in a forum and thread answering options, go to the forum, Manage > Manage Form > Form Options :
Allowed thread types - Specify which (or both…
Individual members who are moderated by flagging the account for moderation will be moderated everywhere throughout the community, however, to ensure that all threads and replies are moderated within a…
Offering the full editor option on a forum reply is a configurable option for community managers to choose. You can enable it in one forum, but have it disabled in another forum.
To configure this option…
Verint Community forums include tools to moderate public forums to correct misplaced or tangential discussions or to prevent a discussion from continuing. NOTE: Permission requirements for each action…
The global Forum > Options > Options page allows you to set forum post properties. You can:
Enable RSS feeds and thread status tracking.
Specify the number of items to display on a feed.