Plugin/Provider Type | Description |
IAbuseCheckingContentType | This interface defines the methods necessary to support the abuse service. Content types implementing this service can be marked as abuse, hidden if enough marks are added, and moderated using the abuse UI. |
IAbuseDetector | Automates abuse detection to prevent SPAM and other abuse from entering the platform. Individual abuse detectors handle events applicable to their abuse detection logic and notify the abuse service when abuse is detected. |
IActivityStoryContentType | This interface is the content specific implementation of the IActivityStoryType. In addition to the base interface, it also defines a method for getting the content from a story. |
IActivityStoryEmbeddableContentFragmentType Obsolete | |
IActivityStoryEmbeddableContentFragmentType (v2) | |
IActivityStoryType | The base interface allowing content, applications, and containers to interact with activity stories. Each type has a sub interface that also defines how to get the item. |
IActivityStoryUpdateIdentifier | Update identifiers are used to provide explanation regarding updated or 'bumped' activity stories. |
IAdministrationExplicitPanel | |
IAdministrationPanel | |
IAdministrationPanelCategory | |
IApi | Provides an interface that identifies a service as an API. Classes implementing this interface should be treated like singletons since the instance is cached. |
IApiDefinition | Provides an interface to register an API service with the platform |
IApplicationMerger Obsolete | Plugin that enables programmatic conversion between applications |
IApplicationMerger (v2) | Plugin that enables programmatic conversion between applications |
IApplicationNavigable | A plugin interface that registers application urls. |
IApplicationPanel | |
IApplicationType | |
IAuthenticationPlugin Obsolete | |
IAuthenticationPlugin (v2) | |
IAutomationEventDefinition | |
IAutomationFactoryDefaultProvider | |
IBeforeInitializationPlugin | |
IBookmarkableContentType | This interface provides support for bookmarking content and defines the methods needed to secure bookmarks. |
ICategorizedPlugin | Base Plugin Interface |
ICentralizedFileStorageProvider | |
ICentralizedFileStore | |
IChildSecuredContentType | |
ICommentableContentType | This interface enables comments to be created on a content type. |
IConfigurableContentConverter | Plugin that exposes custom configuration options for a conversion session |
IConfigurablePlugin Obsolete | Plugin that exposes configuration options through the Evolution Control Panel |
IConfigurablePlugin (v2) | Plugin that exposes configuration options through the Evolution Control Panel |
IConfigurableRuleAction Obsolete | |
IConfigurableRuleAction (v2) Obsolete | |
IConfigurableRuleComponent Obsolete | |
IConfigurableRuleComponent (v2) Obsolete | |
IConfigurableRuleCondition Obsolete | |
IConfigurableRuleCondition (v2) Obsolete | |
IConfigurableThemeableApplicationType | |
IContainerPanel | |
IContainerType | |
IContentConverter Obsolete | Plugin that enables programmatic conversion between content types |
IContentConverter (v2) Obsolete | Plugin that enables programmatic conversion between content types |
IContentConverter (v3) | Plugin that enables programmatic conversion between content types |
IContentEmbeddableContentType | |
IContentFragmentConfigurationAdjustment | |
IContentFragmentImportAdjustment | |
IContentFragmentScopedPropertyAdjustment | |
IContentSpecificHtmlEventsExecutor | Identifies that the content type will specify an explicit ContentTypeId when executing HTML events or IHtml.Sanitize(). |
IContentType | |
IContentTypeLimitedMetric | |
IContentTypeLimitedScore | |
ICustomCalculatedScore | |
ICustomNavigationPlugin Obsolete | |
ICustomNavigationPlugin (v2) | |
ICustomPageSupportingThemeableApplicationType | |
IDelayableNotificationType | |
IDisabledContentNotificationType | A notification type used to notify about disabled content. All notifications not of this type are deleted when the notification's related content is disabled. |
IDistributedCacheProvider | A cache shared amongst all application nodes. |
IEmailAttachmentNotificationType | |
IEmailFromNotificationType | |
IEmailHeaderNotificationType | |
IEmailNotificationType | |
IEmailTemplatePreviewPlugin | |
IEmbeddableContentFragmentType Obsolete | |
IEmbeddableContentFragmentType (v2) | |
IEmbeddedThemeableApplicationType | |
IEventEnabledCentralizedFileStorageProvider | |
IEvolutionJob | |
IExplicitPanel | |
IExportableUserDataSource | Registers user data sources to be included in the user data export. |
IExtension | |
IExternalAuthenticationPlugin Obsolete | |
IExternalAuthenticationPlugin (v2) | |
IFeaturableContentType | |
IFileEmbeddableContentType | |
IFileViewer | |
IFilteredPluginTypesAdministrationPanel | |
IFindableCentralizedFileStore | |
IGloballySecuredCentralizedFileStore | |
IGroupCustomNavigationPlugin Obsolete | |
IGroupCustomNavigationPlugin (v2) | |
IGroupDefaultCustomNavigationPlugin Obsolete | |
IGroupDefaultCustomNavigationPlugin (v2) | |
IGroupNewPostLinkPlugin | |
IHashTaggableContentType | This interface provides #tag support for the content type. It provides a controller that gives privileged access to several methods not available in the API. |
IHtmlHeaderExtension | |
IHttpAsyncCallback | |
IHttpAsyncRenderableCentralizedFileStorageProvider | |
IHttpCallback | |
IHttpRenderableCentralizedFileStorageProvider | |
IHttpRequestFilter | A plugin interface that gets access to every HTTP request. |
IInstallablePlugin | Plugin that supports an installation lifecycle |
IIntegratedAuthenticationPlugin Obsolete | |
IInternalAuthenticationPlugin Obsolete | |
ILanguageDetector | Plugin for dynamically altering the user language for a single request. |
ILikeableContentType | This interface provides support for liking content and defines the methods needed to secure likes. |
ILocalOnlyScriptedContentFragmentExtension Obsolete | |
ILoggableException Obsolete | |
IManageableApplicationType Obsolete | |
IManageableApplicationType (v2) | |
IManageableCommentableContentType | This interface enables comments to be managed on a content type. |
IMentionableContentType | Adds support for @mentions. Implementing this will add the content type to the list of content found using @mentions. |
IMentionContainingContentType | This interface adds support for @mentions within contents of the specified content type. Whereas IMentionableContentType lets content be mentioned, this interface lets content mention other content. |
IMetric | |
IMigratableCentralizedFileStorageProvider | |
INavigable | A plugin interface that registers generic site urls(not content application specific). |
INavigableApplicationType | |
INestableContainerType | |
INotificationDistributionType | |
INotificationType | The base interface allowing content, applications, and containers to interact with notifications. Each type has a sub interface that also defines how to get the item. |
IOAuthClient | |
IPermissionRegistrar | |
IPersistentUrlGeneratingFileStorageProvider | |
IPlugin | Base Plugin Interface |
IPluginGroup | A set of plugins that must all be enabled/disabled together |
IPluginTypesAdministrationPanel | |
IPluginTypesEditor | Plugin that exposes an editing UI associated to specific types of plugins. |
IPreviewableAbuseCheckingContentType | |
IPreviewableContentType | Enables HTML content to be previewed so that content authors can effectively see how their content will be rendered when saved. |
IPreviewableReviewableContentType | |
IPropertyRule | |
IPropertyRuleAdjustment | |
IPropertyTemplate | |
IPropertyTemplateAdjustment | |
IQueryableApplicationType | |
IRateableContentType | This interface defines methods used to secure ratings. |
IRecurringEvolutionJobPlugin | |
IReindexableSearchableContentType | |
IRemoteEntityIdentifier Obsolete | |
IRenderableConfigurablePlugin Obsolete | Plugin that exposes a custom configuration UI within the administration UI |
IRenderableConfigurablePlugin (v2) | Plugin that exposes a custom configuration UI within the administration UI |
IRequireCleanupAbuseCheckingContentType | |
IRequiredConfigurationPlugin Obsolete | Configurable plugin that requires configuration options to be set correctly before being enabled |
IRequiredConfigurationPlugin (v2) | Configurable plugin that requires configuration options to be set correctly before being enabled |
IRestEndpoints (v2) | |
IReviewableContentType | |
IRuleAction Obsolete | |
IRuleAction (v2) Obsolete | |
IRuleComponent Obsolete | |
IRuleCondition Obsolete | |
IRuleCondition (v2) Obsolete | |
IRuleTrigger Obsolete | |
IScore | |
IScriptablePlugin | |
IScriptedContentFragmentContextProvider Obsolete | |
IScriptedContentFragmentContextProvider (v2) | |
IScriptedContentFragmentExtension | |
IScriptedContentFragmentFactoryDefaultProvider | |
ISearchableContentType | |
ISearchCategories | |
ISearchProvider | |
ISecuredAbuseReviewContentType | |
ISecuredApplicationMerger Obsolete | |
ISecuredApplicationMerger (v2) | |
ISecuredBookmarkViewContentType | |
ISecuredCentralizedFileStore | |
ISecuredCommentViewContentType | |
ISecuredContentConverter Obsolete | Plugin that scopes availailable target applications for an IContentConverter by a permission ID |
ISecuredContentConverter (v2) Obsolete | Plugin that scopes availailable target applications for an IContentConverter by a permission ID |
ISecuredContentConverter (v3) | Plugin that scopes availailable target applications for an IContentConverter by a permission ID |
ISecuredContentType | |
ISecuredLikeViewContentType | |
ISecuredMentionViewContentType | |
ISecuredRatingViewContentType | |
ISecuredSubscriptionViewContentType | |
ISecuredViewActivityStoryType | |
ISingletonPlugin | Plugin that can have at most one enabled instance |
ISiteCustomNavigationPlugin Obsolete | |
ISiteCustomNavigationPlugin (v2) | |
ISocket | Plugin which enables realtime two-way communication with the browser. |
ISocketMessageBus | Plugin which supports communication across multiple app and job server nodes for purposes of cache synchronization, presence, and ISocket-based live functionality. |
ISubscribableContentType | This interface defines methods used to secure subscriptions. |
ITagBrowseableApplicationType | |
ITagBrowseableContainerType | |
ITaggableContentType | This interface provides support for tagging content and defines the methods needed to secure tags. |
ITagModeratingApplicationType | |
ITemplatableConfigurablePlugin (v2) | Plugin that exposes one or more custom configuration property templates for use in configuring itself. |
ITemplatableCustomNavigationPlugin (v2) | |
ITemplatableEmbeddableContentFragmentType (v2) | |
ITemplatablePlugin | Plugin containing localized strings |
ITemplatableReviewableContentType | |
IThemeableApplicationType | |
IThemePanel | |
ITokenRegistrar | |
ITranslatablePlugin | Plugin containing localized strings |
ITranslatablePluginAdjustment | |
IUserActionLinkPlugin | |
IUserCustomNavigationPlugin Obsolete | |
IUserCustomNavigationPlugin (v2) | |
IUserDefaultCustomNavigationPlugin Obsolete | |
IUserDefaultCustomNavigationPlugin (v2) | |
IUserRenderableException | |
IValidatableContentConverter Obsolete | Plugin that scopes IContentConverter plugins to only be available pending programmatic validation |
IViewableContentType | Enables content types to identify a custom rendering |
IWebContextualApplicationType | |
IWebContextualContainerType | |
IWebContextualContentType | This interface provides support for contextually identifying the current content given a web context. It is used to support widgets that should only be shown when a content type is present on the page (i.e. the Blog Post widget only shows when a single blog post is in the context of the page). |
IWebhookRegistrar | Plugin which registers webhook(s) to API events. |