• Verint content Read-only

    We have a need to set certain sites, blogs, and forums to be read-only, so that users can refer back to the archived content, but not add new content/comments or make edits to existing content. What is the best way to approach this, perhaps through…
  • How to Make Blogs,Posts Read only ?

    Is there an easy way to make certain (selected) Blogs, Posts Read only ? - Vasu
  • API Endpoint for user's activity

    We are trying to build a new widget and we would like to incorporate information about our users. For instance we would like to have some of the following using the API: Activity Most recent posts (post date, subject, link) Most recent joined…
  • Forum.ReplyCount property is giving inconsistent values

    I wanted to show more Analytics using the Forums - Details Widget. Currently, if you drop that widget on a Forum, it shows the total Discussions or Questions using ThreadCount property, which is fine. I wanted to include also the Total Replies as a forum…
  • Wiki Pages aren't in Alphabetical Order...

    Half my wiki pages are in alphabetical order and then the alphabet restarts with another set of pages in alphabetical order. Does anyone know why or how that is happening? I did not change the order manually so it's odd that this is occurring.
  • Tag Content List Widget...Top Level

    When I try to put in the parent community group, the main site, into the field where you identify which group the Tagged Content List widget pulls from nothing pops up in the selection drop down. The wheel spins, but nothing populates. This happens…
  • Media gallery interaction download report number calculation

    We launched a new Media Gallery around Nov 29-30 that is publicly accessible. Each Gallery File is a YouTube or Anchor.fm link so that it displays on the gallery file page and the user can watch the video directly in the community. Looking at the Interactions…
  • How can i get a demo version of Telligent Community ?

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi everyone, Are there any way to get a free-trial version of Verint community platform. I created .NET library for developers to interact easier with platform APIs, but it's hard for me to test where there are no free or sandbox version
  • Is there a way to change font sizes?

    Is there a way to change the font size beyond going into Format - Headings or using the source code? Some of our group owners would like a bit more flexibility with the font options to create groups and layouts that fit their needs. Similar, is there…
  • Is there a way to call AJAX from a widget on the server side instead of client side?

    We would like to call an API from a widget on load, but we do not want the request to be called by the client. We would like it to be called by the server when the widget is loaded. Is this possible? I can't seem to find any documentation on using the…
  • Default View - Notifications

    I have a user who would like to change the default view for their Notification list to "That Aren't Read". Is there a way for her to modify her settings?
  • Notify grop manager when a question is not answered

    Hi, I am trying to find a way to notify the group managers when it's been a while since the question was posted an it didn't have an answer. I have to call an API to see the date the post has been posted and to verify if the difference between the current…
  • Do we have an In-Process api or REST api to get the Time zone that the database and web servers are set to

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi, We wanted to know the selected Time zone in the community which is configured by the admin Can you please let us know what is way to get this, whether using In-Process api or REST api to get the Time zone?
  • Getting invalid Next Sibling Count from Threaded Forum Replies REST endpoint

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi, We are getting wrong values from the following API request, Request : --location --request GET ' mycommunity.com/.../threaded.json Screenshot: Highlighted children array having only one object but in the Next sibling count its showing…
  • Getting invalid child count from List Threaded Forum Replies REST Endpoint

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi, We have attached two examples in which the response we got from API, Can any one please clarify that why the child count is different? Request: curl --location --request GET ' mycommunity.com/.../threaded.json Example 1: Index (0) gives…
  • Issue with Activity stories REST endpoint

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi, We are using the following REST endpoint to get the list of Activity stories in the Testing / Staging environment. List Activity Story REST Endpoint - API Documentation - Verint Community 11.x - Verint | Telligent Community But when we compare…
  • Is there a way to create Forum selection control In-Process API

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi, We wanted to create a forum select control in the plugin, we are able to make this control in the widgets by setting the following fields. dataType="custom" controlType="Telligent.Evolution.Discussions.Controls.ForumSelectionControl" I…
  • missing emoji tags in the html from REST response

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi, The following REST endpoints are returning empty spaces where we have emojis in the body of the content. / api.ashx/v2/content.json / api.ashx/v2/search.json / api.ashx/v2/stories.json Can you please suggest us the api which will return…
  • Create new webhook event

    Former Member
    Former Member
    We are trying to create a new webhook event by following the document : IWebhookRegistrar Plugin Type - API Documentation - Verint Community 11.x - Verint | Telligent Community see the following screenshot, as we created the webhookevent object and…
  • Is there an In-Process API call I can use to get physical path of the file which I uploaded in centralized file storage

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Is there an In-Process API call I can use to get physical path of the file which I uploaded in centralized file storage ?
  • What is the property templates for Upload a file

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi, I wanted to provide a feature to upload a file using configurable property in the plugin. I have done this feature in Telligent 10x, see the following code snipped. Property property1 = new Property("PublicKey", "Certificate*", PropertyType…
  • Can we use Entity framework in our community?

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi, As part of the new features we are adding new custom tables and stored procedures in the community database, Right now I am using the ADO.Net (Connection, Command, Data Reader, Data Adapter and Data Set classes) to make DML operations. Can I…
  • How to make optional parameter

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi All, I need to implement an extension method and it suppose to be 2 parameters, but one is mandatory and another one would be optional parameter. See the following my logic public string SubCategoryList(int categoryId, bool isForumThread =…
  • Search results by Group is not working

    Former Member
    Former Member
    I'm using the Rest API to pull search results from the Community, I wanted to get the results from a specific group, see the following parameters that I am using. { "Query": " q=my search string " } curl --location --request GET 'mycommunity…
  • Multiple users have "Enable email contact" disabled

    Background: We launched our community a little over 3 months ago as a mixture of a "new build" and migrated from our previous (Jive-x) community. The migration was performed in-house by one of our developers (not me, but I was actively involved…
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