Verint content Read-only

We have a need to set certain sites, blogs, and forums to be read-only, so that users can refer back to the archived content, but not add new content/comments or make edits to existing content. 

What is the best way to approach this, perhaps through administration permissions or changes to Roles?  Ideally, we'd like to use the hierarchy and inheritance to make the read-only changes effective at a top-level directory for content that exists underneath.

Thanks in advance


  • Hi Vasu,

    This can be done, but it's done either on the group or application level, not from the Admin menu.

    You can use permissions to turn off certain actions (such as creating a forum post or commenting on a blog) for all users or specific roles. It cannot be done at a top-level group and have the sub-groups retain the same permission (you'd have to make the same change for each sub-group). The permission settings are very granular which is usually helpful, but also makes it tedious if you're updating a lot of groups/applications. 

    To make these changes, you'll go to the specific group, click the Admin pencil > Manage Group > Permissions and you'll need to update, for example, the Registered Users role and turn off the necessary permissions. Do the same for any other site roles you have, as well as the "Members" membership type. Then you move to the next group you have to update and repeat the same process. Without knowing your group structure, it's hard to give exact directions, but that should help. 
