Replying to the post via email creating a new thread

Creating a forum post via email. Replying to the post via email causes it to create a new thread rather than appending to the existing one. And reply count is also showing as 0. Looks like it is generating a new thread id for each reply.

There is no issue when replying to post from UI. Looks like it is generating a new thread id for each reply.

Is there any way to find out this issue?


Parents Reply
  • Based on the event log message noting that "No mailing lists found for Message-ID <>", there is something that is not connecting between the mail server and Community. The To address of the incoming email is not being recognized as a mailing list on Community.

    If you click Edit next to that gmail Incoming Mail Account, what is the username and Mailbox type? In order to properly route mailing lists, Email Domain and the mail account domain it needs to match either a catchall set up on the email server, or have specific mailing list addresses added that match what's in use on your forums. See this documentation for more details:  How do I configure email integration? under "Register incoming mail accounts".  

    And what is the Email Domain configured near the top of the Email Options page? This should also match your configured mailing list addresses domain.
