Replying to the post via email creating a new thread

Creating a forum post via email. Replying to the post via email causes it to create a new thread rather than appending to the existing one. And reply count is also showing as 0. Looks like it is generating a new thread id for each reply.

There is no issue when replying to post from UI. Looks like it is generating a new thread id for each reply.

Is there any way to find out this issue?


Parents Reply
  • The important part is the setup of the "username" ie the destination email address. Can you double check your catchall settings?

    • Is the name allmall or allmail?
    • Do the passwords match on the gmail and community side?
    • What protocol are you using?

    If everything looks as it should there, can you try setting up an individual account for the specific mailing list? Create a mailbox in your gmail host that matches the name of the mailing address for the forum, and then add that host/address/pw/protocol to the list of incoming mail accounts? That would let us see if it was something problematic with the catchall mailbox setup.
