GET api.ashx/v2/articles/collections.{json|xml}
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Location | Description | Required | Default | Options |
ArticleCollectionIds | string | Query String | A comma-separated list of article collection ids to return. To maintain the order specified in your list, set 'SortBy' to 'ArticleCollectionIds'. | Optional | ||
ContainerIds | string | Query String | A comma-separated list of group container ids to filter the collection set by. | Optional | ||
GroupId | int | Query String | The group id to list collections by. | Optional | ||
IncludeSubGroups | bool | Query String | Whether to include collections within subgroups. Only used when GroupId is specified. | Optional | ||
IsDeleted | bool | Query String | Filters collections that have been deleted. | Optional | False | |
PageIndex | int | Query String | The page index to return based on page size. This value is 'zero' based and defaults to zero. | Optional | 0 | |
PageSize | int | Query String | The total amount of article collections to return per paged request. The default is 20, the maximum is 100. | Optional | 20 | |
SortBy | string | Query String | The sort option for the article collections. | Optional | name | createdate,deletedate,name,collectionidsorder |
SortOrder | string | Query String | The direction to sort the article collections by based on the current SortBy options. The options are 'ascending' or 'descending'. | Optional | ascending |