Content created on the site must implement this interface for the social services to support it.
Name | Access | Type | Description |
AccountStatus | Read, Write | String | Account Status |
AllowSitePartnersToContact | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Allow Site Partners To Contact |
AllowSiteToContact | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Allow Site To Contact |
AuthenticatedSessionState | Read | String | Authenticated Session State |
AvatarUrl | Read | String | Url to an image particular to the content or content type. If none, return null. |
BannedUntil | Read, Write | Nullable of DateTime | Banned Until |
BanReason | Read, Write | String | Ban Reason |
Birthday | Read, Write | Nullable of DateTime | Birthday |
ContentId | Read, Write | Guid | A Guid uniquely identifying the content. |
ConversationContactType | Read, Write | String | Conversation Contact Type |
CoverPhotoUrl | Read | String | Cover Photo Url |
DateFormat | Read, Write | String | Date Format |
DisplayName | Read, Write | String | Display Name |
EditorType | Read, Write | String | Editor Type |
EnableCollapsingPanels | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Collapsing Panels |
EnableCommentNotifications | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Comment Notifications |
EnableConversationNotifications | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Conversation Notifications |
EnabledActivityMessageTypes | Read | IList of String | Enabled Activity Message Types |
EnableDisplayInMemberList | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Display In Member List |
EnableDisplayName | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Display Name |
EnableEmail | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Email |
EnableEmoticons | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Emoticons |
EnableFavoriteSharing | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Favorite Sharing |
EnableHtmlEmail | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Html Email |
EnablePostPreviewPopup | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Post Preview Popup |
EnablePresenceTracking | Read, Write | Boolean | Enable Presence Tracking |
EnableTracking | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable Tracking |
EnableUserSignatures | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Enable User Signatures |
Errors | Read | IList of Error | Errors |
ExtendedAttributes | Read, Write | ApiList of ExtendedAttribute | Extended Attributes |
ForceLogin | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | This has been obsoleted in 12.1 and will alsways return false. |
Gender | Read, Write | String | Gender |
HasPassword | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Has Password |
Id | Read, Write | Nullable of Int32 | Id |
IsEmailVerified | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Is Email Verified |
IsIgnored | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Is Ignored |
IsSystemAccount | Read, Write | Nullable of Boolean | Is System Account |
JoinDate | Read, Write | Nullable of DateTime | Join Date |
Language | Read, Write | String | Language |
LastLoginDate | Read, Write | Nullable of DateTime | Last Login Date |
LastVisitedDate | Read, Write | Nullable of DateTime | Last Visited Date |
Location | Read, Write | String | Location |
ModerationLevel | Read | String | Moderation Level |
Password | Read, Write | String | Password |
Points | Read, Write | Nullable of Int32 | Points |
PostSortOrder | Read, Write | String | Post Sort Order |
Presence | Read, Write | String | Presence |
PrivateEmail | Read, Write | String | Private Email |
ProfileFields | Read, Write | ApiList of ProfileField | Profile Fields |
ProfileUrl | Read, Write | String | Profile Url |
PublicEmail | Read, Write | String | Public Email |
QualityPercentile | Read, Write | Nullable of Int32 | Quality Percentile |
RawBio | Write | String | Raw Bio |
RequiresTermsOfServiceAcceptance | Read | Boolean | Requires Terms Of Service Acceptance |
RssFeeds | Read, Write | IList of String | Rss Feeds |
Signature | Read, Write | String | Signature |
SignatureFormatted | Read, Write | String | Signature Formatted |
TermsOfServiceAcceptanceDate | Read, Write | Nullable of DateTime | Terms Of Service Acceptance Date |
TimeZone | Read, Write | Nullable of Double | Time Zone |
TimeZoneId | Read, Write | String | Time Zone Id |
TimeZoneInfo | Read | TimeZoneInfo | Time Zone Info |
TotalPosts | Read, Write | Int32 | Total Posts |
Url | Read | String | A Url to the content on the site. |
Username | Read, Write | String | Username |
Warnings | Read | IList of Warning | Warnings |
WebUrl | Read, Write | String | Web Url |
Bio Overload 1
#set($stringResponse = $user.Bio())
var stringResponse = user.Bio();
Bio Overload 2
#set($stringResponse = $user.Bio($postTarget))
var stringResponse = user.Bio(postTarget);
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default | Options |
postTarget | String | Post Target | Required |
#set($booleanResponse = $user.HasErrors())
var booleanResponse = user.HasErrors();
#set($booleanResponse = $user.HasWarnings())
var booleanResponse = user.HasWarnings();
#set($booleanResponse = $user.HasWarningsOrErrors())
var booleanResponse = user.HasWarningsOrErrors();