Article Installing the CredSpark Integration Embeddable

Installing the CredSpark Integration Embeddable.

  1. Download the CredSpark Package from the Verint Marketplace (Note: the zip file will have the embeddable xml file and the dll file)

  2. Go to to sign up and get your secret API key from CredSpark.  You will need this secret API key at Step 8

  3. If you are a SaaS customer, open a case with Verint CloudOps to install the CredSpark dll into your environment.  

    For On-Premises customers, the file needs to be installed on all web nodes and the job server. Do this by copying the file to [CommunityWebInstallFolder]\bin and [CommunityJobService] folder (root directory). After installing to the job server, restart the job service.

  4. Once the CredSpark dll is installed on your site, open Community Administration Panel

  5. Go to Interface/Embeddable Studio and Upload/Import the CredSpark embeddable.


  1. Go to Staged Changes and Publish All to publish the CredSpark Embeddable.


  1. Go to Emeddables to manage CredSpark Availability. Don’t forget to press Save when you are done. Note: It is recommended to limit Embeddable to select roles such as Administrators and Moderators.


  1. Go to Extensions and select CredSpark Scripting API to Enable and enter your secret API key from Step 2. Don’t forget to press Save when you are done.

  1. The CredSpark Embeddable is now installed and ready to be added to any content-type you selected in the CredSpark Availability screen in Step 7.

What's next?   To add the CredSpark Integration Embeddable to Verint Community content, go here.