Article Community Troubleshooting Guide

Refer to the following articles if you have questions or receive errors during your Verint Community installation:

  1. Can't insert an image using the enhanced text editor after upgrading - This could be a permissions issue.
  2.  Common things to check when using Forms Authentication - Problem-solving advice for common issues when configuring or using Forms Authentication.
  3.  Common webfarm configuration questions - A FAQ about how/where to store user media; handle authentication; know where to install Solr; perform search indexing tasks.
  4.  Configuration problems - Configuration error(s) shown in the event log.
  5.  Fix access to uploaded files - The troubleshooting procedure to follow when you run into errors while trying to upload or access uploaded avatars, Web-linked files, and development files.
    1.  CFS on the Visual Studio development server - Learn why CFS does not work with Verint Community in Visual Studio, and what to use instead.
    2.  Enable AllowDotInPath in UrlScan - Fix access problems in accessing user-uploaded content containing one or more dots in the name/URL.
    3.  Enable Integrated Pipeline on IIS7 - Fix problems in which IIS is not working because it can't access Verint Community's CFS.


  6. [[How to: load images inline|How to load images inline]] - What to do if the image you upload in-line in a blog results in getting a File Download pop-up instead of the image.
  7.  Search Indexing - If search results are not the expected results, or if they contain incorrect data, refer to this article.
  8.  Search stop words  - What to do if a your search terms include a word that causes search to malfunction.
  9.  SQL times out when accessing the site - What to do when your site runs slowly or SQL access times out.
  10.  Troubleshoot the Verint Job Service - What to do if Job Service is not completing any jobs.
  11.  Troubleshoot search errors - Refer to this article if Solr is unresponsive; if there are OutOfMemory errors, or you need general information about troubleshooting a Tomcat installation or multiple instances of Solr running on two or more hosts.