Custom content type and Reporting


We have our custom content type with thousands of items. 
But in Reporting extension I don't see any or see 1-2 of it.
I didn't do anything special to integrate that content type with Reporting. Should I do? And how can I do that?

PS I can see my custom Application Type in Report's filters

Parents Reply
  •  Hi. 
    I still have an issue.

    On our production server we have thousands of custom contents, that created in few hours but have createdDates within 10 years.
    First of all I can't select filters older then community lifetime (2 years).
    Secondary - there is no custom our content at all. I tested on my local and can see it in Reporting with strange dates (described abouve).

    So can I have a way to diagnose the problem? Can I force to re-index content? 

    In our PROD Reporting table [dbo].[StagingContent] completely empty Disappointed
