How do I set up Redirects in 12.x ?

How do I set up a simple redirect?

I want the link here:

to go to here:

On every other platform I have used, this has been a simple task. Yet with Verint, the user documentation around this issue is all out of date, referring to menus that do not exist - much like the documentation for almost everything else. It also seems absurd to me that in 2021, user documentation can be uploaded without any images for reference.

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  •  IInstallablePlugin Plugin Type  - further info is in our  Plugins Developer Training, but this would definitely fall under the category of custom development.

    Another option is to set up an IIS redirect for that specific path.

    (Side note: The format of the old url has been a legacy format in Community for a number of versions - particularly the use of the .aspx extension.  If you try going to without the .aspx extension, it does actually preserve the route in your community, though it is a Page Not Found. The route parser is reading the non-.aspx route as a valid legacy route and using the route to attempt to parse the correct blog post out of it, but it's unable to find it, since the blog it's in has changed.)

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