High volume of Exceptions in Monitoring

Hi All,

I was speaking with a group of community managers recently and we discovered that we are all seeing hundreds of exceptions daily in Monitoring. The most common are listed below. Does anyone have any insights as to why this is happening? 

We would also like to know the definition or description of the Object and Socket BUS errors.


  • Unknown Error:
    • Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  • Background Job Error
    • Exception occured while running background job JobId=ea91e2b4-2079-45ab-8dfe-c839c40b5dfe
  • Background Job Error 
    • Background Job 'EmailDigestGroupJob' failed to send email(s) after 0 tries
  • Socket Message BUS service error
  • Content Fragment Rendering Error:
    • This one seems to apply to several widgets across the community
    • An error occurred while rendering the 'setquery.vm' script from the widget
    • An error occurred while rendering the 'Content' script from the widget 'User - Banner'


Parents Reply Children
  • That would be awesome to have an official guide!

    Here's what I use from your list of posted errors as a gut check:

    Unknown Error - Catch all for anything the programmers didn't know about categorizing so could be small could be big, review each one for more details
    (Object reference not set to an instance of an object usually means some variable wasn't initialized so it doesn't know what to do with it)

    Background Job Error - Yellow Alert - Something might be up with the server that a job had an issue. Monitor for frequency and factors like configuration changes recently.

    Socket Message Bus Error - Red Alert unless it's this one:  Socket Message Bus Errors in v12 because usually that means something is stopping the site from working (core functionality) correctly.

    Content Fragment Rendering Error - Something in a widget is coded wrong. Likely to cause issues with that widget displaying or functioning correctly. Depending on the widget, could be due to customization, changes to widgets on upgrade, typos/accidental edits that went live. Review with devs as usually these errors point out the line in the code it's balking at and can be corrected.

    SearchIndexingError - Error indexing content usually is followed by the why (no iFilter, i.e.: "I can't read this" or it exceeded the size limitations being common). If I have a lot of these for types I know I should have index or that are under my size limit, it might be time to reindex.

  • I just realized I accidentally posted this to the v12 community and we are on v11. Please move the thread to v11 community if needed.

  • Same answers in v11 minus the v12 specific error exception. Slight smile

  • This is generally a good review of exception types. In a future release, we'll be recategorizing many of these exception types to make the differences more apparent/useful. Also, we have tasks to be more selective regarding which exceptions are logged.

  • Feature request on those exception changes: Selectable levels of exception logging? E.g: during upgrade I want to see all of the things to make sure I haven't done something horrible, but post upgrade, I might want to dial back and only see critical or exceptions that affect performance unless I'm having specific issues.

  • Thank you, . I recently learned what a few of the common exceptions I see within my Community monitoring mean. I listed them below for all to reference:

    The content fragment rendering error usually indicates an issue with a widget. The error on your site is related to an automation Profile Sync from SugarCRM causing issues with the rendering of a widget.

    The background job error indicates an issue with the job service. The job service is an application to run jobs away from the web servers. The main error I see with that is the Activity Story Expiration job.

    The email unable to send error indicates that an email was not successfully picked up by the SMTP server. This is a temporary error and can usually be ignored. The community attempts to send emails up to 10 times. Normally the email will be successfully picked up on another run.

    The Search Index Errors are related to the indexing of the community’s content. These errors can be ignored, unless they are occurring frequently in a short span of time.

    The Unknown error category is a catch all category. Your current exception log is showing repeated errors around the Calendar’s REST API call. The event is erroring out due to a missing value.