Search issues in 11.x

Hi iam seeing search issues on my environment i seen same on Telligent site also, iam in wiki of 11.x and search with a key word it shows Wikis 33 

if we go for advanced search from there it shows wikis 149 .

this happens in our environments also vs  .

It is  giving wrong results to the end user. Can you please explain me what's happening over here and how we can correct this.

Parents Reply
  •   while i can appreciate your request to move this to Ideas and we can certainly post there, I think this is just a basic expectation that should be fixed. I don't see this as an enhancement. Any user using search, I think, would expect the results to be the same whether or not you hit "enter". The filters should not clear just because you hit enter. You should be able to adjust the filters, yes, but the filters originally selected should not clear. Am I missing something?
