Unfiltered HTML - Locked for Group Owner, Not for Admin

Hoping this is a simple answer. In one of my groups, the owner asked me to add an unfiltered HTML widget for them. I dropped it in there and made sure it's functional. When they head into the group, the widget shows as "Locked". When I look at the widget, it is definitely not locked. I've dug deep into permissions and I can't find any logical reason this is occurring. What do I need to change?

Here's my view.

Parents Reply
  • Widget accessibility is defined by theme type (for example, "Groups") in Administration > Interface > Widget Availibility > Groups and ensure that Unfiltered HTML is allowed. Note that allowing it here will allow any user who can edit a group theme to use this widget. 

    I came across this post after encountering a similar issue as discussed in this post. If anyone is looking for this in version 12, this is now found in Administration > Interface > Widgets > Unfiltered HTML [or other widgets] > Availability:

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