Unfiltered HTML - Locked for Group Owner, Not for Admin

Hoping this is a simple answer. In one of my groups, the owner asked me to add an unfiltered HTML widget for them. I dropped it in there and made sure it's functional. When they head into the group, the widget shows as "Locked". When I look at the widget, it is definitely not locked. I've dug deep into permissions and I can't find any logical reason this is occurring. What do I need to change?

Here's my view.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member

    What's the use case? Does the widget need to be "Unfiltered HTML" or will a "Generic Content" widget suffice?

    Unfiltered HTML can be a dangerous thing to allow wider access to on the site. I would have to dig further to confirm, but that widget may be limited to a permission like "Manage Site".

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member

    What's the use case? Does the widget need to be "Unfiltered HTML" or will a "Generic Content" widget suffice?

    Unfiltered HTML can be a dangerous thing to allow wider access to on the site. I would have to dig further to confirm, but that widget may be limited to a permission like "Manage Site".
