Article How do I install the Verint Knowledge Management Pro (KM Pro) Integration package?

Install Verint Knowledge Management Pro (KM Pro) Integration Package

Note: This article is applicable to customers with On-Premises, Self-hosted, or AnyCloud Verint Community deployments. 

Install Steps

  1. Ensure you do a backup of your Community database and web, jobserver, and filestorage folders.

  2. Execute the SQL scripts provided in the \sql folder of the KM Pro Integration install package against your Community database in the following order:
    1. 1_0_0.sql
    2. add indexes.sql
    3. te_KMPro_Content_BulkUpdateOrCreate.sql
    4. Grant Permissions-KMProFilters.sql
    5. Grant Permissions-KMProIdsTable.sql
  3. Stop the Job Server
  4. Copy the contents of the \bin folder of the KM Pro Integration install package into the Community \web\bin and \JobServer folders.
    • Telligent.Evolution.KMPro.dll
    • Telligent.Evolution.KMPro.pdb

  5. Refresh the App Pool and Restart the Job Service

  6. Proceed to article How do I connect my Community to Verint Knowledge Management Pro (KM Pro)


This installation process is applicable to Verint Community 12.0 and higher.