Article What is a hashtag?

Hashtags encourage users to spawn new conversations out of existing ones or incorporate others' conversations into a current one by highlighting topics across groups and applications.

How hashtags work

  • When you enter a hashtag into the body of a post, reply, comment, or status message and begin typing the term, Verint Community searches for and suggests similar hashtags. For example if you type "#sum" into a post, Verint Community looks for any other hashtags on the site that contain "sum" and offers a drop-down list of hashtag(s) for you to choose from.
  • Hashtags don't have to be previously used. For example if  "#sum" has not been used in any previous hashtag, Verint Community will offer to hashtag the term as you type it ("#sum," "#summ," #summe," or "#summer").
  • If you enter a # (pound sign) before a term, you must select the hashtag from the generated list in order for the content to be indexed on that hashtag. If you choose not to select a hashtag from the list, the term is treated like any other term in search results.
  • Entering a hashtag in the search field will return only hashtagged terms. Entering the term without the # will result in finding both hashtagged and unhashtagged content.
Special characters can't be used in hashtags.

What you can hashtag

Hashtagging is available within most content subject to content filtering rules. If you start typing # and the suggestions show, you can hashtag.

Finding hashtagged discussions

When you click on a hashtag in content, you see a filtered, contextual list of all content containing that hashtag.