Article What is chat?

Chat is an optional extension to Verint Community that provides a real-time/persistent chat experience with presence indicators across all public-facing pages of the community.

Key features include:

  • Members can instant message one another within Verint Community. Members can have one-on-one chats with other community members by clicking them on the online friend list. Members can drag and drop other members into a one-on-one chat to turn it into a group conversation.
  • Chat sessions follow the member throughout the site. As you navigate to different places in the community to perform different functions such as forum posting or blogging, the online friend list ("buddy list") and chat windows remain displayed in the browser window. Conversations can be minimized or closed altogether and resumed later by clicking that member in the online friend list again.
  • Chat maintains an intelligent online buddy list. The list automatically displays online friends you've recently chatted with. You can use the search window in the list to find other members who are online or offline. 
  • Chat enables the community to display presence. Users can set their online or offline status to show availability for receiving chats. When online, a user can receive chats. When offline, he/she can instead be sent a private message. Presence status indicators update in real time.
  • Chat sessions are synchronized with private messages. Private messages update in real time in sync with open chats. Replying to a chat thread via private messaging also replies directly to the chat session.