Can a manager of a group be omitted from being a moderator?

A user's content has been reported to the moderation queue, but it cannot be escalated to the abuse workflow.

While the user's role and permissions do not explicitly state that it is a moderator, the error given is that "moderators content cannot be moderated" or something to that effect.

Did I miss the documentation on this, or is this unexpected behaviour?

I suspect to get effectively the 'same' permissions without being classed as a moderator, I'd have to create a custom role? As I want the user to be a 'manager' of the group, but without privileges that makes them exempt from moderation.

  • Yes, you can modify the permission schema. You can even override the default since v12

  • I didn't see the capability to prevent the manager of a group from being classed as a moderator when I attempted to navigate it myself, could you direct me to the documentation for this or a screenshot please?

  • As I want the user to be a 'manager' of the group, but without privileges that makes them exempt from moderation.

     - Is this what you're looking for? 

    I would assume you can turn on the "Moderate and Review Abuse" permission and turn OFF the "Bypass Moderation" permission to achieve what you're looking for.

  •   I agree with what you proposed - I would suggest modifying those permissions and retesting the experience. If you still get an error  I would suggest creating a ticket with Verint.


    As Wilfried mentioned, in V12, there’s an option within the administration panel to override default permissions for roles within specific permission groups, which can simplify site-wide adjustments. However, I would advise some caution if site roles are also added and managed within groups, as changes to permissions can affect existing groups or be applied only to new ones.

  • Is this what you're looking for?

    I'm assuming this is in the group?

    Pencil > Manage Group > Permissions > Membership Types > Managers

    Now let's filter it by "Bypass" for "bypass moderation"

    I only see the permissions for Forum, Gallery and Ideation.

    The content the user in question has created, which is being reported, is a Blog post.

    Let's look under 'By Permission' instead:

    Ok, still only three applications? Why?

    As Wilfried mentioned, in V12, there’s an option within the administration panel to override default permissions for roles within specific permission groups, which can simplify site-wide adjustments. However, I would advise some caution if site roles are also added and managed within groups, as changes to permissions can affect existing groups or be applied only to new ones.

    Changing permissions in 'administration', site wide, is a dangerous game that has resulted in problems before.

    The problem is that there isn't an explicit 'bypass moderation' setting for all applications or for the role in general.

    Therefore, is it the case that having the "Moderate and Review Abuse" permission inherently means that the user also bypasses moderation?

  • Therefore, is it the case that having the "Moderate and Review Abuse" permission inherently means that the user also bypasses moderation?

    I'm not sure if this is explicitly stated in the docs anywhere or if it's intended/unintended behavior, but, to an extent, it makes sense from a functionality perspective. What's the purpose of handcuffing a person and then handing them the key? Why subject someone to moderation if they can approve their own posts? I wrote this, but then found How do I moderate content a member creates? which says: "Note that when an author is effectively moderated (either because of the account-level moderation setting or because the application into which the content is created is moderated), if the author can review moderated content where the content is being created, they are exempt from moderation."

    Ultimately, I'm still a little confused about your use case,  :

    I suspect to get effectively the 'same' permissions without being classed as a moderator, I'd have to create a custom role? As I want the user to be a 'manager' of the group, but without privileges that makes them exempt from moderation.

    I get that you want this person to be a "Manager," but do you want this person to be moderating content at all, or just have other elevated permissions such as create/edit/delete content, view reports, manage members, etc.? If you don't want them moderating anything (and therefore not bypassing moderation), could you just disable the "Moderate and Review Abuse" permission for "Managers"? If you DO want them to moderate, that goes back to my "handcuffing" comment above. 

    Another thought of something to try, there is a "Moderate and Review Abuse" permission for the whole group in group permissions. If you deactivate that for managers, but turn the application-specific permission on for them, would that make a difference? Like if you want them to moderate the forum, but want them to be moderated for the blog. 

    Another thing to check would be the application-specific permissions. You can set up group permissions by going to Pencil > Manage Group > Permissions where there's the breakdown of each application type. However, you can also go to a specific application ( Ask the Community instead of Verint Community 12.x ) and manage the permissions for that specific forum in Pencil > Manage Forum > Permissions, but these changes do not roll up to the Pencil > Manage Group > Permissions and do not affect other forums in the same group. By any chance, are there unique permissions within the application in a group that are affecting this manager? 

    Finally, I'm not sure if this helps, but knowing your community is very focused on blogs, would blog workflows help in your situation? I ask because one of the blog applications on my site, the group owners (who have both "Bypass Moderation" and "Moderate and Review Abuse" permissions on all applications and on the group) still go into the review workflow when they publish new blog posts. Then, the author still needs to approve their own post to make it actually live. 

    I hope some of this helps, or at least kicks off some other ideas!

  • if the author can review moderated content where the content is being created, they are exempt from moderation."

    That answers my question, thank you.