Pulling from multiple galleries on the same "Media Gallery - File List" widget

I have a group containing multiple Media Galleries. On the group homepage, I have a "Media Gallery - File List" widget, which I believe I set up in v11.1, before my 12.1 upgrade. 

This widget is currently pulling files from 4 of the 5 galleries in the group. I just added a 6th gallery to the group and wanted to add that to the list as well. However, when I edit the widget, I cannot add any more galleries to the widget configuration, and when I try to create a new widget on the page, I can only select one gallery. Also, if I remove a gallery on the existing widget, I cannot add a new one:

Existing New

(Note: The existing widget on the left screenshot is a custom widget, but it's basically a copy of the out-of-the-box widget. I've backed out most (all?) of the customizations/changes but haven't and can't replace this widget with the stock widget due to this issue.)

I definitely had this working in the past, but I can't figure out how I did it. Maybe something changed between 11 and 12, and you could add multiple galleries to that list in 11? Has anyone seen this before, or do you have multiple galleries selected from one of these widgets?

  • Hi  

    We have not encountered any use cases involving more than three galleries, so we have not specifically documented this issue. I would recommend submitting a support ticket with Verint to confirm whether any changes were made in the upgrade that could be affecting the widget’s functionality.

    Additionally, I noticed from your screenshots that the old and new widgets have different names. During the upgrade, did you carry over all customizations, or are you using a different widget? This could potentially explain the differences in behavior.

    It also seems that you might be looking to exclude a specific forum from displaying in the file list. Otherwise, I would suggest using the "Select Group --> Current Group" option to display all files from the applications. However, if excluding a specific application is necessary, this approach would not be applicable.

  • Thanks !

    Additionally, I noticed from your screenshots that the old and new widgets have different names. During the upgrade, did you carry over all customizations, or are you using a different widget? This could potentially explain the differences in behavior.

    Yeah, I've tried it with multiple versions of the widget. The behavior (and code) between the OOB version and my custom one are basically the same. In troubleshooting this, I reverted pretty much the whole custom widget to stock. Both behave the same way, so I think it's something in the core widget functionality. 

    It also seems that you might be looking to exclude a specific forum from displaying in the file list. Otherwise, I would suggest using the "Select Group --> Current Group" option to display all files from the applications. However, if excluding a specific application is necessary, this approach would not be applicable.

    Exactly. This group contains multiple different galleries full of videos and one for a podcast. The widget should ONLY display the video gallery content, but not the podcast, so that's why "Current Group" wouldn't work. 

    I would recommend submitting a support ticket with Verint to confirm whether any changes were made in the upgrade that could be affecting the widget’s functionality.

    Thanks, I'll probably end up doing that. I didn't see anything in Release Notes for Community 12 that stood out to me that would explain the change, so it makes sense that it was something unexpected in the upgrade.

    Appreciate your help! 

    EDIT: I submitted a case after replying to this post. I also tried exporting the page from the Export Theme menu. I found the spot in the XML that seems to control it, but I haven't attempted to manually add my new gallery yet, but I may try that and then re-import the theme file after exploring other options. 

  • This bug was created to track the issue in this thread:

    TE-19089: Cannot set "Media Gallery - File List" widget to pull from multiple galleries.
