Wiki permissions for users version

on one of the wiki users are able to create some wiki pages , we checked the global permissions for members for all the group types create,edit,move pages by default it should be denied , is this a bug?

  • Hi  

    Were these users directly added individually as members? or were they added to the group through a site role (i see you are modifying the membership type globally)?

    I have seen similar behavior to this before - at the group/applicaiton level. Given that Verint permissions are additive - I have had to look at the permissions panel for the specific application - and confirm permission settings were not conflicting with one another. I.e. I looked at the member settings at the application level for that specific application - but also if they were added via a site role - I look at the site role permissions for that application to ensure there is not something checked off to allow them to create a wiki page.

    If that's not the case and you are setting everything globally thourhg the admin panel, I would create a ticket with the Verint Support team. 

    I hope this helps - please let me know if you have any questions about my response! 


  • Hi Sara ,

    Thanks for your suggetions , My intentions are reagrding the default global permissions for members , where members should not have create , edit , move a wiki permissions right.

    I have already created a support case with verint .

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