Wiki permissions for users version

on one of the wiki users are able to create some wiki pages , we checked the global permissions for members for all the group types create,edit,move pages by default it should be denied , is this a bug?

  • Hi  

    Were these users directly added individually as members? or were they added to the group through a site role (i see you are modifying the membership type globally)?

    I have seen similar behavior to this before - at the group/applicaiton level. Given that Verint permissions are additive - I have had to look at the permissions panel for the specific application - and confirm permission settings were not conflicting with one another. I.e. I looked at the member settings at the application level for that specific application - but also if they were added via a site role - I look at the site role permissions for that application to ensure there is not something checked off to allow them to create a wiki page.

    If that's not the case and you are setting everything globally thourhg the admin panel, I would create a ticket with the Verint Support team. 

    I hope this helps - please let me know if you have any questions about my response! 


  • Hi Sara ,

    Thanks for your suggetions , My intentions are reagrding the default global permissions for members , where members should not have create , edit , move a wiki permissions right.

    I have already created a support case with verint .

  • we checked the global permissions for members for all the group types create,edit,move pages by default it should be denied , is this a bug?

    Permissions are only applied here when you create a group or click "Save and Overwrite Existing groups".

    If these permissions were changed in administration after the application and group were created, you either have to go to that group and manually change the permissions, or you need to click "Save and Overwrite Existing groups".

    Additionally, I have observed that permissions at a "group level" do not propagate to applications within that group in all cases. Especially if you have more than one application in that group, and you have to go through your groups' individual permission administration fly-outs from the pencil and double-check that the permissions are set there correctly.

    This is immensely frustrating from an administrative standpoint, I have been unable to trust whether these permissions are set properly, it would be helpful if I was able to tick these permissions and say "apply to group and all applications within the group" on at least the group level. Or when setting these at the administrative site level, to tick to "exclude from stated groups applications or exclude stated groups".

    When trying to raise this issue with Verint support previously, basically we were told it's working as intended. The problems with attempting to set these permissions en masse via API or otherwise can encounter timeouts and it's difficult to verify that they have properly applied. We tried various workarounds.

    Ultimately you'll have to verify manually at present.