Forcing Tour Tips

Is there a way to force Tour Tips to show up on every visit of a user to a page, regardless of whether they have been there before, clicked Next, clicked Later, etc?  I see from a prior thread that one way is to delete database records, but we are seeking to avoid having to run an operational script every time a page loads.  In a perfect world there is a global configuration setting of some sort.

The prior thread in question:

(Note that I acknowledge this is a somewhat odd request, and we are looking at several alternate ways to solve for the particular underlying business need that is driving the question.)

Added acknowledgement
[edited by: Jason at 2:15 PM (GMT 0) on Thu, Mar 14 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Completely agree that Tour Tips as a general concept is relatively annoying to most people if you think about the standard community forum use case.  Most people know how to use a forum, or can figure it out.

    However I am trying to solve for a very specific use case at this moment which is unique to our business case plus the current lifecycle stage that we are in.  In short, we have an extremely small number of Alpha test users right now that need to be walked through each page of the site.

    A similar alternative might be a popup on every page load...however I thought Tour Tips to be a slightly more natural, integrated, and "out of the box" way to handle a client-side informational popup like this.
