Moving blogs post with Attachments using Rest API

We are trying to move blogs posts to a blog in an Archive Group using Rest.  When a blog post contains an attachment, I'm finding that there is a duplicate file created in Te_attachments table and the original attachment is marked as isindexed so it still shows up in Search for the original group.  Is there a proper way to handle the attachment?

Parents Reply
  •         If Await UpdateTags(dataRow, dataRow("Tags") & String.Format(",Archived From {0}: {1}", dataRow("Group"), dataRow("Application"))) Then
                    response = Await host.PostToDynamicAsync(2, "contentconversion/conversion.json", False, New RestPostOptions() With {
                            .AdditionalHeaders = GetHeaders(),
                            .PostParameters = New NameValueCollection() From {
                                {"SourceContentTypeId", dataRow("ContentTypeId")},
                                {"SourceContentId", dataRow("ContentGuid")},
                                {"TargetContentTypeId", dataRow("ContentTypeId")},
                                {"TargetApplicationId", applicationId},
                                {"TargetApplicationTypeId", dataRow("ApplicationTypeId")}
