Deleting multiple articles via admin panel

I have an article application containing many entries, over 30k and want to delete them all, in the admin panel I am allowed to delete all but it only seems to delete 100 entries

If I delete the application the content is not removed, the application is hidden but still exists in the platform, is there a way to remove it and all its content ? 

  • Hi Stephen

    I write an automation to purge these 36k articles and can see they are flagged as IsDeleted and appear in the deleted tab in article admin panel but are still not being removed?

    #set($articles = $articles_v1_articles.List("%{ ArticleCollectionId = $collectionId, IsDeleted = 'false', pageSize=100, PageIndex=0 }"))
    #foreach ($article in  $articles)
        $core_v2_eventLog.Write("Purging articles - $articles.Count - $articles.TotalCount - $collectionId - $article.Title", "%{ Category = 'IET Purge', EventType = 'Information' }")

    I have reset the job to run every 15 minutes with a threshold of 1 day and still no joy

    The versions in the database do not appear to be flagged as IsDeleted but are also not flagged as IsActive

    Any suggestions as we currently have 750mb of table data we no longer need ? 

    The build is

  • Hi, there was an additional bug discovered, logged, and fixed for 12.0.3 release:

    TE-17035: Expunge Deleted Articles Job isn't actually expunging anything.

    Completed for 12.1, 12.0.3

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