Article User - Login and Create : Configuration

Note: If you are already using a created user ID to log in, you will see the sign-in mode. If you are a new user who has not created an ID yet, you will see the create mode.

You can configure the widget to let users sign into the community with their sign-in name or their email address.  ReCaptcha can be enabled to validate new community members' IDs.



Displays a form to allow a user to login or join the site.


This widget requires the appropriate Mode be used on the appropriate page

Create User Mode = User - Registration page

Sign in Mode = Login page

Where it works

This widget works on the User - Registration page and Login page.


Enable the OAuth client, if desired

Set up the desired OAuth client - FacebookGoogle, LinkedIn, Live Connect,Twitter,  or Salesforce. Doing so will include enabling the appropriate plugin.

Place and configure the widget

  1. Click Pencil Icon >  Manage [Site/Group] Theme > Edit this Page
  2. Select and place the User - Login And Create widget on the page
  3. Click on   in the widget menu bar. The configuration dialog appears.
  4. You can change the title of this widget by replacing the text in the Mode text box.
  5. Mode (drop-down) - Select the appropriate mode in the Mode drop-down. 
    • Create - Will prompt a user for their email address and new password with password confirmation. (Note: To change the create mode, configure the widget on the User - Registration page.)
      • Enable Captcha on Create User - When checked Captcha will validate new users.
      • OPTIONAL :Select the Profile Fields to be included on the Create User form.
        • List will match the Profile Fields defined at Pencil Icon > Membership > Profile Fields 
    • Sign-in - Will prompt a user only for for the the sign-in information you specify in the next field. (Note: to change the sign-in mode, configure the widget on the Login page.)
      • Login Type - Select the login type to enable:
        • Sign in name - Requires the user to specify the sign-in name used in the community.
        • Email address - Requires the user to specify the email address furnished when joining the community.
        • Username or email address - The user clicks an option and furnishes the required information.
  6. Click Save to exit the configuration dialog.
  7. Click Publish when complete.

Terms of Service

  • Terms of Service (TOS) and Privacy Policies can be presented to new users to accept before completing registration. For details click here