Provides site-level navigation for users.
Where it works
This widget works in the site-level header section when editing. By placing it in the site level header, you ensure that users can view this widget on all pages.
Place and configure the widget
- Click Pencil Icon > Manage [Site/Group] Theme > Edit this Page
- Select and place the Quick Post widget on the page
- Click on
in the widget menu bar. The configuration dialog appears.
- You can change the title of this widget by replacing the text in the Widget Title box.
- Show - Select one of the following:
- All - When selected skip step 6.
- Logo - Select an image file to be included as a logo in the banner sitewide. Optimal image size is 250 by 88 pixels.
- Color Palette - Select a color palette for your community's banner. These are defined by the theme and can be adjusted.
- Site navigation - Optionally include group browsing or custom navigation alongside search and user links. Select one of the following:
- Exclude - Can be used to exclude navigation options. Typically selected when configuring site navigation with one of the Navigation widgets.
- Include Group Navigation -
- Enable the sub-groups to be included.
- Include Accessing User's Group Navigation - Includes groups for the accessing user.
- Include Custom Navigation -
- Custom navigation items - Add, edit, delete, and organize custom navigation items in the dialog box provided. This functionality is described in Navigation : Configuration .
- Search only - When selected continue to steps 6 then 8 and 9.
- User Links only - When selcted complete the remaining steps.
- All - When selected skip step 6.
- Color Palette - Select a color palette for your community's banner. These are defined by the theme and can be adjusted.
- User links - Select, rearrange, and enable the links to be displayed. Use drag-and-drop to manually re-order the items as they will be displayed on the finished page.
- Bookmarks - Displays a list of bookmarks the user has created and the option to add the currently viewed item.
- Inbox - Displays a list of the user's conversations which links to the private message dialog box.
- Invite a member - Only displayed to members with Manage Membership Permission.
- Notifications - Provides notification of likes, other comments on content you commented on, mentions, and friendship notifications. The Notifications tab does not display group mentions.
- User - Displayed as Member Avatar, when clicked opens a dialog box with links to the following:
- Profile - Links to the user's profile.
- Settings - Links to the user's site settings.
- Sign out - Visible only if the user is signed in.
- Click Save to exit the configuration dialog.
- Click Publish when complete.