Article How do I edit my profile?

You can edit your profile information by clicking the Edit Profile link on your user profile page.

Your profile contains information fields you can fill out to tell other community members about your social IDs, interests, education, and competencies among other things (depending on how the administrator has configured the basic profile page).

Some of your profile fields might already be filled out. For example, if you had to specify your Yahoo IM ID or location to register for the community, that information is already furnished in your profile. (In this specific situation, your Yahoo ID would be made public in your profile Contact area, and your location would be made public in your About section.)

If you choose not to fill out a field on the profile, in most cases that field won't be displayed on your profile. (The exception would be your language, which must be selected and will therefore appear.) For example, your profile might contain contact fields for your public email, blog URL, media gallery, Twitter ID, Facebook ID, or other information - but if you don't fill out those fields, they won't appear on your profile. Or, if you delete the information in a previously published version of your profile (such as your location in the About area), in most cases the information will be removed from public view.

If the admin has enabled it, profile fields are searchable. So for example if you want to find someone who went to your same university, you could search for the "Education" field contents in general site search. (Again, this is if the admin has made this field searchable.)

Edit your profile information

  1. Click your user avatar.
  2. Click Profile.

  • Click Edit Profile.

You can edit the following items:


See How do I change my avatar? 


Your profile's tabs (Activity, Group, etc.) are set by default in the Site Banner widget. You can't change these tabs unless you have the permission to edit your profile page and change the widget.


Here is where you can post your bio for the community to get to know you. The text you place in your profile is searchable.


By default, this area will have the language set for you, and that will appear on your profile. Other fields may be required or optional.


Your point standing relative to the community (that is, your points in comparison to those of other users), this will be indicated with your user information on your profile and with your user information elsewhere with a partially completed circle graphic around your profile picture.


If you have permission to edit your profile page, you might be able to add or remove the User - Badges widget from the page. This widget displays the achievement badges you have earned.


This area contains a number of fields you can use for member contact. As previously noted, one or some of these fields might already be filled in from your registration form information. Possible Contact fields include your public email, blog URL, media gallery URL, Twitter ID, Facebook ID, AOL IM ID, Yahoo IM ID, Google IM ID, or Windows Live IM ID.

Custom profile fields

Your community manager can configure custom profile fields for you to fill out. These fields be made searchable directly from your profile when configured by the community administrator.

Click Save profile.