Article How can I enable a guest blogger on a blog?

On occasion, you might want to invite a guest blogger to participate in your blog. There are two approaches to enable this scenario.

Option 1: Add a temporary blog author

The first option is to simply add the person as an author of the blog temporarily. In this case, the user has permissions to access all posts within the given blog.

  1. Navigate to the blog, Management > Manage Blog > Blog Options.
  2. In the Authors field, start typing the username of the user whom you want to grant access, and select the user.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Once the guest blogger has completed his/her posts, you can remove this author from the authors list from this same location.

Option 2: Use blog mirroring

If the guest blogger is syndicating their content from another blog, you could ask that they setup an RSS feed to represent content that should be mirrored to your blog and setup that feed as a mirrored feed. See How can I mirror content from another blog or RSS feed?