Article How do I configure the available profile options?

On the Profile Settings tab, the admin configures basic profile options - such as signatures, gender, authentication, etc. It's necessary to configure these options before setting up custom profile field or letting a user fill in their profile.

To configure the available profile options:

  1. Hover over Management.
  2. Click Administration.
  3. Navigate to Membership > Membership options
  4. Select the desired membership profile options:
  5. Allow signatures - Specifies whether users can edit a message that appears at the bottom of their posts.
  6. Display signatures on posts - Allows users' signatures on posts.
  7. Signature maximum length - Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in a user's signature.
  8. Allow gender - If this option is enabled, users have the option of specifying their gender (but it's optional).
  9. Enable display names - Enabling this option lets users set their own (not necessarily unique) display name to be shown with their posts and other content. If a user changes his display name after already posting content, the old display name won't be updated unless that content is also updated.
  10. Status & reply message maximum length - The maximum number of characters allowed in replies and status messages, defaulting to 512.
  11. Enable Conversations - When enabled, users can start conversations with each other.  
  12. Enable Presence Tracking - Enables tracking of user presence to enable showing online members and typing indicators.  
  13. Allow Members To Toggle Presence Tracking Enablement - When enabled, members can select whether they want to share their presence information.  
  14. Default Presence Tracking Enablement Value - The default value for member presence tracking. Members can then customize this value.  
  15. Click Save to apply the settings.