Name | Description |
dynamicForm | Renders a dynamic form |
evolutionBookmark | Renders a bookmark toggle link |
evolutionCodeEditor | Enables text to be rendered and optionally editable with syntax highlighting. |
evolutionComposer | Textarea wrapper which can host separately-defined interactive textarea behaviors in a cooperative manner |
evolutionFeature | Renders a feature toggle link |
evolutionHighlight | Enables highlighting ranges of text in a textarea |
evolutionHtmlEditor | Enables HTML to be edited. |
evolutionInlineTagEditor | Renders a tag editor |
evolutionLike | Renders a like indicator and toggle |
evolutionMasonry | Enables a multi-column left-to-right layout of variable-height elements. |
evolutionModerate | Renders a configurable content moderation menu |
evolutionPager | Renders a pager UI, supporting both ajax and non-ajax paging |
evolutionProgressIndicator | Renders a progress indicator |
evolutionResize | Enables a textarea to dynamically resize to fit its contents |
evolutionScrollSlider | Renders a popup when the page is scrolled. |
evolutionSqueezeText | Enables text to be squeezed to fit exactly within a defined width before truncation |
evolutionStarRating | Renders a star rating control |
evolutionTagTextBox | Renders a tag-editor |
evolutionTextEditor | Renders a plain text editor capable of editing HTML |
evolutionTheater | Renders a theater UI |
evolutionTip | Renders an intelligently-positioned tool tip over an element when hovered |
evolutionToggleLink | Renders a togglable link with a change callback |
evolutionTransform | Performs CSS-based transforms and transitions |
evolutionUserFileTextBox | Renders a user file text box |
evolutionValidation | Supports validation related to click events. |
glowColorSelector | Decorates a text input with a color selector |
glowDropDownList | Decorates a select with more custom markup and stylability |
glowLookUptextBox | Renders an auto-completing textbox |
glowMultiUpload | Renders a multi-file upload input |
glowOrderedList | Renders a sortable list |
glowPatternedTextBox | Decorates a text input with pattern support |
glowPopUpMenu | Renders a nested pop up menu |
glowPopUpPanel | Renders an animated display panel on top of the document |
glowTabbedPanes | Renders and manages a set of selectable tab panes |
glowTabSet | Renders and manages a set of selectable tabs |
glowTransition | Transitions display of one element with another |
glowTree | Renders a tree of nodes which can be navigated, manipulated, and re-arranged |
glowUpload | Renders a single file upload form supporting chunked uploads with a visual progress bar |
uilinks | Enables manipulation of existing ui-link components |