Moderated Accounts With 0 Posts

We would like to disable the ability for users to automatically be put into a Moderated state. We have numerous users who are being put into Moderated automatically with no intervention by a Moderator or Admin. Many of these accounts have 0 posts so this make me believe this is part of the Moderation Automation, but none of the settings I have been able to find appear to address this. 

Would anyone have any guidance on how we can prevent accounts from going into a Moderated state automatically? We are looking to have an all-or-nothing policy in terms of being allowed to post in our community. 

Parents Reply
  •   Thank you for the quick response! We have checked this as we used it when initially launching our community, but this became unmanageable almost immediately. These appear to be accounts that are created, have no posts, and then something is triggering them to get into a Moderated state. I just can't find the automation that is triggering that since there is nothing that I can find under the Abuse Automation that would trigger this specifically. 
