Do I understand this correctly in regards to notifications?

Members of our Community are complaining that they "do not know what's going on" with content on the site.

"Recent content" type widgets only show when content was created, not interacted with.

The concept of needing to 'join' a group to participate is a foreign concept to them, they simply look at content, see that there's no comment box, or download button, and assume that it simply isn't there at all regardless of prompts to 'join' the group.

And when they've done all that, they lament that they aren't being notified of activity on the site, and the 'activity' feed doesn't give them enough information and the layout of it isn't concise enough.

So I tried to understand this, is it the case that for users to be notified on content, they not only have to manually 'subscribe' to notifications on an application,

but if they want to be notified of comments on content, they have to 'subscribe' to notifications on say, the blog post as well?

With it being 'tiered' like this:

And if this is the case, don't we think that this is a lot to be asking to try to convey to members, especially members of the public?

We have a lot of groups on the element14 Community, so if a member registers and has a lot of interests... they then have to go through and do this on every group and application, we have over 20 groups: 

I simply wonder if there's something I'm missing that could be obvious or help users to consolidate these actions, or make them more aware - because it's a very abstract concept, and there's only so much I can do to try to explain it and link to documentation, but it's not intuitive for members of the public users at all.

[edited by: Christopher G. Stanton at 1:07 PM (GMT 0) on Thu, May 5 2022]
  • Hi  that seems correct from my end and how we understand it... however, there are specific notifications a user can set for the comments on all of the applications they are subscribing to within their own user settings. I really do like your idea of making those permissions/ subscriptions more intuitive. 

    Not sure if this helps at all but if users are able to manually subscribe to all blog application areas/ blog posts (which unfortunately may be manual)... they can bulk view/ manage notifications based on their subscriptions to that content. 

  • Hi  that seems correct from my end and how we understand it... however, there are specific notifications a user can set for the comments on all of the applications they are subscribing to within their own user settings. I really do like your idea of making those permissions/ subscriptions more intuitive. 

    Not sure if this helps at all but if users are able to manually subscribe to all blog application areas/ blog posts (which unfortunately may be manual)... they can bulk view/ manage notifications based on their subscriptions to that content. 

  • Activity from subscriptions is definitely appears to be a a "this covers what I've already subscribed to" and doesn't automatically subscribe.

    I also found a bug with it where if you've ticked the options on the right, and untick the option on the left, it doesn't always treat it as though you've unticked the options on the right, so you have to untick them, and then untick on the left as well - have you experienced that at all?

  • Agreed, you have to subscribe to all first and then modify your notification settings is what it seems like (and what I have noticed). 

    I have not seen that issue, but I will keep an eye out. That is definitely strange as if you untick the options on the left I would expect you would not even be able to select the options on the right hand side. It seems like IF (I check the option on the left) THEN I should be able to select if I want email/ live alert or both 


    IF (I do not check the option on the left) THEN I should not be able to select one of those options I have opted to not receive any notifications for that item 

  • It seems like IF (I check the option on the left) THEN I should be able to select if I want email/ live alert or both 


    IF (I do not check the option on the left) THEN I should not be able to select one of those options I have opted to not receive any notifications for that item 

    Yes you've got it, that's what I expected to happen also. I'm not sure if it's because we have a custom content type and the extension for notification and email is bundled together and needs separating or not, but it certainly happened.