PropertyRules not being applied for Automation configuration

When I've been developing some automations for both Points, Achievements, and General Automations, I've found that any rules I put in <propertyRules> are ignored when saving the configuration.

Here's a really basic example which has a number (int) field.. it has a min/max of 1-5. When I use the exact same dynamic config in a widget, I save the widget config & it correctly changes the number so that it falls within the range, e.g. I enter 7, and it'll save it as 5.

This doesn't happen when I save the configuration of an automation Disappointed

Example Automation

<automation name="e14 - Temp to delete automation" version="" description="" id="689b8eab6dc0483aa200c1196f7aa52f" executeAsServiceUser="false" isSingleton="false" hostId="20621367a4734f92abef8dc33fa32a5b" trigger="Http" httpAuthentication="Rest" lastModified="2021-11-25 17:15:36Z" provider="00e14000-0e14-0e14-0e14-100000000e14">
	<executionScript language="JavaScript"><![CDATA[core_v2_eventLog.Write(core_v2_widget.GetIntValue("mynumber", 0), { Category: "Testing", EventId: 1, EventType: "Information" });]]></executionScript>
	<configuration><![CDATA[<propertyGroup id="group1" resourceName="Main">
	<property id="mynumber" dataType="int" labelText="My Number">
	    <propertyRule name="minmax" min="1" max="5" />

Example Widget

	<scriptedContentFragment name="e14 - Temp to delete" version="" description="" instanceIdentifier="f7e742dae1424f64beeef694dd8b37aa" theme="" isCacheable="false" varyCacheByUser="false" showHeaderByDefault="true" cssClass="" lastModified="2021-11-25 17:11:49Z" provider="00e140000e140e140e14000000000e14">
		<contentScript language="Velocity"><![CDATA[Hi. $core_v2_widget.GetIntValue("mynumber", 0)]]></contentScript>
		<headerScript language="Velocity" />
		<configuration><![CDATA[<propertyGroup id="group1" resourceName="Main">
	<property id="mynumber" dataType="int" labelText="My Number">
	    <propertyRule name="minmax" min="1" max="5" />
		<additionalCssScript language="Velocity" />

Is this a known-issue? Or something I'm doing wrong?


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