Is it possible to change the sourcecode of the content fragment headers?

When I look at the sourcecodes of the content-fragment-headers it always says: ‘’div.content-fragment-header’’. I was wondering if it is possible that for all content fragment headers the sourcecode could show the styling of the header. For example: we style almost all content fragment headers as an ‘’h2’’. However this is not shown in the sourcecode. I’ve been told that it’s better for the SEO and accessibility to have the styling in the sourcecode instead of ‘’div.content-fragment-header’’.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Steven, I was looking over your answer again.. I see that you are referring to the content-fragment-header/content/footer... I'm wondering if we are talking about the same thing here...
    When I say ''content-fragment-header'' I mean the title of a widget. You can opt to show this or not for every single widget. And in the sourcecode all the widget titles are called ''content-fragment-headers''. So i'm not talking about the header of every page or the site, but the title of every single widget. 
