How to SortBy pass value in blog list

Velocity Code:-

I have created one button,

Functionality, the button on click  button value pass to blog list()

<button type="button"   id="btnRefresh" class="btn btn-primary" value="CreateDate" >SortBy </button>

#set($blog=$core_v2_blog.List("%{ ApplicationIds = $applicationIdsArg, GroupId = $groupIdArg, IncludeSubGroups = $includeSubGroupsArg, OwnerUserId = $ownerUserIdArg, PageIndex = $pageIndexArg, PageSize = $pageSizeArg, PermissionId = $permissionIdArg, SortBy = $sortByArg, SortOrder = $sortOrderArg, UserId = $userIdArg }"))

Kindly help us. I need a sample code or guide us

  • The only way you can achieve this by creating a separate VM for the code below .

    #set($blog=$core_v2_blog.List("%{ ApplicationIds = $applicationIdsArg, GroupId = $groupIdArg, IncludeSubGroups = $includeSubGroupsArg, OwnerUserId = $ownerUserIdArg, PageIndex = $pageIndexArg, PageSize = $pageSizeArg, PermissionId = $permissionIdArg, SortBy = $sortByArg, SortOrder = $sortOrderArg, UserId = $userIdArg }"))

    And by using the button click event using jQuery call to the VM by passing the value.

  • The only way you can achieve this by creating a separate VM for the code below .

    #set($blog=$core_v2_blog.List("%{ ApplicationIds = $applicationIdsArg, GroupId = $groupIdArg, IncludeSubGroups = $includeSubGroupsArg, OwnerUserId = $ownerUserIdArg, PageIndex = $pageIndexArg, PageSize = $pageSizeArg, PermissionId = $permissionIdArg, SortBy = $sortByArg, SortOrder = $sortOrderArg, UserId = $userIdArg }"))

    And by using the button click event using jQuery call to the VM by passing the value.
