I want to revoke/delete reward points from user

Hi Team,

I will place a textbox and I can enter 30 & submit button then I want to reduce the 30 reward points from the user account irrespective of blog or post.

I verified with $core_v2_pointTransaction api but we can delete reward points based on transactionid or tydeid but I want delete 30 reward points from my reward points. 

Can anyone help us to achieve this type of mechanism from Telligent and PFA below. Thanks! 

Example : in my account 59 points are there, then I will 30 points in textbox and submit means 30 will removed 59 points & remaining balance will be 2 will be there.


Kiran C.

Parents Reply
  • I am trying to create revoke points like below, but it is not created.

    $core_v2_pointTransaction.Create("test data", 2100, -50, "86ec2193-76f8-4b3f-9e31-11e20bed1116", "ad2226ab-d59f-475c-9d22-4a79e3f0ec07", "%{ CreatedDate = $createdDateArg, TypeId = $typeIdArg }")

    And it is not showing error and again it showing same create like below from script sandbox,

    I don't know why the records not created with above syntax. Can you help me more please??
