Public (Open Membership) Click to Join Prompt

Is there a way to make the Click to Join bar on Public (Open Membership) groups more visible?  For some reason a good portion of my new group members are missing this prompt.

Parents Reply
  • While it would require CSS, it would be likely just a few lines. In case it helps, the selector for this element is .banner.context .join-alert. 

    In the default theme, it's defined in the theme's format-banner.less attachment.

    So, for example, you could give it the same background color as the theme's configured alert color with:

    .banner.context .join-alert {
    	background-color: -evo-themeconfig-color('stateAttention', 'red');

    where stateAttention is a configuration option defined by the theme and subsequently changeable by administrators in theme configuration without CSS.
