Notification about comments on blogs where the user is subscribed to the application?

On the Blog application, it seems like there are two options for notifications:

  • Blog Post - Raises notifications to users when a blog post is made in a blog to which they are subscribed.
  • Blog Post Comment - Raises notifications to users when a comment is made on a blog post to which you are subscribed.

From a user experience standpoint, they'll get notified when a new post is added to a blog (application) they're subscribed to, or comments are added to individual blogs if they opt-in individually to each post.

However, if a user wants to get notified of ALL comments on ALL posts, they would have to look at each post and individually "Turn Comment Notifications On." Is this a correct understanding? Are there any configuration options I'm not thinking of? 

I feel like I'm going to have to create an idea to turn on comment notifications blog-wide, but I wanted to see if there were any other thoughts out here first. Thanks! 

  •  , we were just going over this. The way you have described it working is our understanding as well.

    We recently looked into a solution for when Blog posts are used as a way for a third-party system to post outage updates. For example

    • A company's main network is down, and a system account posts a blog post that there's an outage => Blog subscribers get this notification
    • Status of the outage is updated in the comments => Blog subscribers do not get this notification unless they turn on notifications

    Realize it's an edge case, but we're trying so solution a way to enable comment notifications for all subscribers on a blog-by-blog basis. As you've stated, there is not a global setting and also not currently a way (that we know of) to tie Blog notifications and Blog Comment notifications together.

  •  , we were just going over this. The way you have described it working is our understanding as well.

    We recently looked into a solution for when Blog posts are used as a way for a third-party system to post outage updates. For example

    • A company's main network is down, and a system account posts a blog post that there's an outage => Blog subscribers get this notification
    • Status of the outage is updated in the comments => Blog subscribers do not get this notification unless they turn on notifications

    Realize it's an edge case, but we're trying so solution a way to enable comment notifications for all subscribers on a blog-by-blog basis. As you've stated, there is not a global setting and also not currently a way (that we know of) to tie Blog notifications and Blog Comment notifications together.
