Set default time zone for events

Former Member
Former Member

Is there a way for the default timezone for EVENTS to match the default timezone for the SITE?

Right now, under Administration > Site > Identification Options, our default timezone is UTC.

But, when I add a new event, the timezone list defaults to UTC - 05:00. Here's a pic of what you see when you add an event:

Can the event/calendar itself default to UTC, thereby matching the site? 

I've searched options at both the group and application level and can't see anything. 


Parents Reply
  • The activity stream (what you have in your picture) only displays the user time.  If you were to view the event you should see both time zones displayed.  Judging by the picture, the user has their time zone set to Coordinated Universal Time.  They need to set their preferred time zone in the community to Central Time.  They can do that by accessing their Settings (click on their avatar in the top right of the page and then click settings) or having a Member Admin update the setting in Membership Administration.  

  • Thank you and yes, this user has their time zone set to Coordinated Universal Time. Here's my question - has anyone done an automation to adjust the time zone based on the user's location? Most likely, a majority of our users have not adjusted their settings, and with a very large group of users, I would like to know if there is a better way to address this. 

  • I think I was the instigator of this mod some years ago. I feel there is something still missing. There are 2 types of events: Online and Onsite. If it is Online, then indeed, the time zone should capture the User's locale time zone. If it is Onsite then the time should be set to the Event Location. An Onsite event at 17.00 in London should show 17.00 in London but an Online event that happens for an audience at 17.00 in London should display 09.00 for a person in San Francisco. If you are interested in it I'd be willing to find a solution for it.