Automation rule executing 4 times for a user update :/

I'm writing my first automation rule which will trigger on a user create or update. Since I'm new to this, I've added some logging so that I can see the contents of the context_v2_automationTrigger object.


core_v2_eventLog.Write(core_v2_utility.Describe(context_v2_automationTrigger, { Format: 'text'}), { Category: 'e14', EventId: 1, EventType: 'Information' });

This works, but when I look in the Event log it shows it ran 4 times! All I updated was the Bio field.

What am I doing wrong? :/

The automation rule config looks like this;

Parents Reply
  • We have similar requirement. When user updates his/her firstname and lastname the display name should get updated to [firstname] [lastname]. While implementing this through script we are also facing the similar issue (event firing multiple times and community is getting disconnected). We tried using the API event User.BeforeUpdate but it is not helping. Can you please let us know how to sanitize within the User.BeforeUpdate properties so another update action will not fire?
